How to put your affiliate marketing on steroids with – Episode 278

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
How to put your affiliate marketing on steroids with - Episode 278

Before the show I did a quick survey to get people’s experience with affiliate marketing. Out of the 50 people on the live call 28 had tried affiliate marketing and only 1 reported having any success. The reporting success stated they made a few hundred dollars. To me, this is not success. However it is a start which is important.

In this episode I share some tips that I believe will help you take your affiliate marketing efforts and online marketing campaigns to the next level. I share a current site I am using to generate thousands in passive income in just a matter of a few weeks of launching and I show how members of TW3 can get this exact site already pre-made for only $25 + $10 per mo for additional hosting an maintenance. (must be an active member with home site built to qualify)

Resources I share in the training:

Filtered Scrubbed email list at

Send traffic to your site at

Set up a business phone at

Get a lead data miner at

Subscribe via iTunes at

Become a member at TW3 at

Notes from Show:

  1. Category affiliate offers into a themes
  2. Build a site & blog around theme
  3. Set opt ins in front of each offer
  4. Cross promote offers that harmonize with theme
  5. Drive targeted traffic via keyword search to offers CLICK TO GET TRAFFIC TO SITE

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