Quit Making Everything So Complicated and Just Do It – Episode 282

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Quit Making Everything So Complicated and Just Do It - Episode 282

Business like sports is not difficult. Simply put points on the board and don’t lose points to the other side. In business the points are represented by money and the other team is represented by your cost of living. Amazingly this simple reality alludes so many new entrepreneurs and start ups. In a new world of venture capitalist and angel investors some startups manage business as if profit, efficiency, retention, and client acquisition cost have no influence over their businesses long term health and viability.

In this episode we cover basic making money principles and how to’s.

Do you want to make money?

Do you want to have your own gig?

Are you tired of the hype, false hope, and hysteria of so many faux guru’s online?


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