559 – 10 take aways from the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

559 - 10 take aways from the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

Welcome to the TerryWilson3.com podcast. In this episode, we’ll be discussing negotiation strategies and tactics that can help you achieve your goals and reach successful outcomes. Specifically, we’ll be covering the 10 major takeaways from “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss, a former FBI hostage negotiator who shares his insights and expertise on how to negotiate effectively.

Whether you’re negotiating a business deal, a salary increase, or even trying to convince your spouse to watch a movie you like, these tips and techniques can help you achieve your objectives and build better relationships.

In this episode, we’ll cover everything from the power of open-ended questions and active listening, to tactics like mirroring, labeling, and hypothetical questions. We’ll also explore the importance of preparation, trust-building, and knowing when to walk away.

So, get ready to take notes, because we’re about to dive into the 10 major takeaways from “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss.

  1. Negotiations are all about communication, and the most effective negotiators are those who are skilled at active listening and empathy.

  2. One of the most powerful tools in negotiation is asking open-ended questions, which can help you gather information, build rapport, and uncover hidden agendas.

  3. Effective negotiation requires preparation, including researching the other party, understanding your own goals and limits, and anticipating potential obstacles.

  4. The most effective negotiators are those who can establish trust and rapport with the other party, which requires building a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

  5. One of the most powerful negotiation tactics is mirroring, which involves repeating the other party’s words to show that you are listening and to encourage them to keep talking.

  6. Another effective tactic is labeling, which involves giving a name to the other party’s emotions or feelings, and can help you build empathy and trust.

  7. Negotiators should always be prepared to walk away from a negotiation if they cannot achieve their goals, as this can give them greater leverage and force the other party to reconsider their position.

  8. The use of hypothetical questions, such as “what if” scenarios, can help negotiators explore potential outcomes and alternatives without committing to a specific course of action.

  9. Negotiators should always be aware of the power of language and how it can influence the other party’s perception of a negotiation. The use of positive language and avoiding negative or accusatory language can help build rapport and trust.

  10. Negotiation is a process, and negotiators should be prepared to adjust their strategy and tactics based on new information or changes in the negotiation. Being flexible and adaptable can help negotiators achieve their goals and reach a successful outcome.

Remember! When you can’t negotiate you can only manipulate to get what you want. Learn to negotiate!

You are worth more!

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