Episode 354 – How to Earn After the Client Say’s No

Episode 354 - How to Earn After the Client Say's No

Tonight we’re talking about how to earn money in business when you are getting no’s for answers. If you’ve been struggling in your business and it seems stressful to get into a positive cash flow then you will want to stay tuned. I’m going to share  some ways that you can make money quick even when you are getting rejected and are struggling with making sales.

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How to Earn Money after a NO

  1. Don’t make it a Yes/No Decision
    1. Option to Buy
    2. Option to help Sale
  2. Extract Value from the Rejection
    1. Isolate what is being rejected
      1. Price
        1. To Low to Demand Respect
        2. To High to Afford
      2. Process
        1. In Person
        2. Over the Phone
        3. Via text/email/sm
      3. Product
        1. Value not Perceived
        2. Solution no Perceived
      4. Person(s)
        1. You
        2. The Company
        3. The Brand
    2. Develop a Relationship
      1. Referral
      2. Review
      3. Respect
  3. Monetize business away from Sales Only
    1. Service Models
      1. VB Dialing
      2. LP Development
      3. Bulk SMS
      4. Bulk Email
      5. Lead Generation


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