90 Day Money Made Guarantee
We are committed to your success. After joining TW3 as an ELT member enroll free of charge into our 90 Day Money Made Guarantee program.
Here is what we promise.
You will earn a min of $750 – $1750 within 90 day’s of joining the initiative
If you don’t meet this objective at a very min we will.
- Suspend you admin charges for the next 90 days while keeping you active
- Enroll you all expense paid into our hourly & salary work from home opportunity to immediately start earning
- Continue to work & support you until objectives met
How to enroll?
After enrolling into our Elite Membership simply completes steps 1-6 in your back office to get your business set up and ready to launch. (2daymin – 10daymax) Once this is complete send in a request through support to join the 90DMM Guarantee. Once the certificate is issued you are now enrolled and covered by guarantee.
Requirements to receive certificate
- Must have membership active during 90day period
- Must have steps 1-6 completed
- Must attend 80% of trainings during 90day period
- Must allow TW3 AR connect to funnel to verify activity
- Must drive a min of 100 leads per week through funnel
Terms & Conditions of TW3 Membership
This initiative does not change, modify, nor circumvent any membership terms or conditions. The 90DMM Guarantee offers assurances to individual participants who voluntarily enroll after becoming an ELT member a min return and recourse offered if not met.
CLICK HERE to read the TW3 Membership Terms & Conditions