Direct Sales Rep for Avon, Primerica, Mary Kay, and Melaleuca calls to find out how new TW3 reps make over $2k per week – Episode 238

In todays show I share a phone call I had with a dear lady who has been in several home based businesses. She like so many others has tried various home based businesses with limited to no success. I was able to share with her in a short conversation why every new business struggles until there are certain business assets and skill sets in place.
I think you will find great value in this episode as it shows the reality of why people need to succeed. Too many people walk away from their God given potential because a disappointing result gave them the false impression that they are not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to do something on their own. Money is not the reason you need to succeed. Money is just the byproduct. I contend the real reason you need to succeed is so you can catch a small glimpse of what your fully capable of. Once you’ve tasted a small portion of the greatness you were made from, for, and by then anything less will simply leave you empty.
The 2 blog post I referenced in show;