Most people use one of these consumer credit reporting companies like, or Credit Karma and have no idea that many of these free services only give a small overview of some of your file, and doesn’t look into all of the areas that creditors will look to offer you a loan on a house or car.
A few months ago my wife and I were starting to shop for a house, knowing that our credit score was high enough to qualify for the loan we wanted we started looking. You can imagine how disappointed we were when we found a home we loved, but was declined because of a 6 year old mark on our credit that didn’t belong. We had to work for weeks to get the erroneous report taken off our credit, but in the mean time lost the opportunity to buy a home we loved. This happened because we were monitoring our credit with a “free” consumer credit reporting service that you see advertised all the time.
I’ve teamed up with a company that is offering my audience a 30 day no obligation trial to see a true credit report of what is in their file. You can cancel the same day you join after printing out your credit, but this will give a true picture of what others will see. Click my affiliate link below and get a free, no obligation report on what your file truly looks like.