Let’s face it no one wants to fail, but the reality is people do. CNBC had a great article that shares the 11 most common reasons why most businesses fail and I thought it would be great to share in today’s podcast.
After a two week excursion to the north east to see NY, PA, DC, and all the sites I’m more inspired than ever that anyone in this great country can start and succeed in their own business if they are properly equipped. Remember if you are self employed, or have to purchase your own health insurance we offer a great rate, and plan at http://89healthplan.com DON’T keep a bad job just because you think you have to because of the health benefits. We’ve joined with this company to offer our listeners, agents, and extended audience a great rate on health insurance. Plans with NO DEDUCTIBLE for only $89 per mo. See what’s available for free now in your area by getting a quote.
If you want more info on how you can work with me to start your own business go to https://terrywilson3.com/wordpress/call-center to see details