This was a pre-recorded podcast that Reagan and I just kicked back and talked sports, music, politics, and me going to NAMM. We also reference a webinar training I did years ago about how Facebook uses their members data to sell to marketers. Is all of the hoopla in media now faux anger and shock? You decide. CLICK HERE to see that training referred to.
I also reference a coaching video I made on paying the cost for more instead of settling for the status quo. To see that particular 3min video click here.
In this episode we talk about:
- The Facebook Big Date Controversy
- How Marketers Have & Will Use Big Data
- The Upcoming ELT Conference (click for details)
We also have some talking about meeting some legendary musicians at the NAMM show and I tell a joke Reagan feels is a bit too dark. (toward the very end of show) FULL disclosure if you like Duke Basketball or are easily offended with sophomoric humor skip the last 5 minutes of the show. 😀
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