I have some incredible news I want to share with you about the show. This past year has been a very good year, but 2015 could be even bigger, and I have more opportunities for you to grow, protect, and enjoy you business. Please have a listen.[social_share style=”circle” align=”horizontal” heading_align=”inline” text=”Start your own call center” facebook=”1″ twitter=”1″ google_plus=”1″ linkedin=”1″ pinterest=”1″ link=”: https://terrywilson3.com/wordpress/podcast/special-announ…dio-from-terry” /]
Some of the tidbits I shared in this episode is about canvas.com. This is a great infographic tool that every entrepreneur and marketer needs. And the best part is, it’s FREE.
Part of the announcements was about the growth of the show. Not only has audible come on to sponsor, us but several other have as well. Please visit our affiliate link at https://terrywilson3.com/wordpress/freebook The audio book is free, and let’s them know they are sponsoring the right financial, and marketing podcast,
Good News segment was sponsored by Tax Defense. Tax season is coming up. If you would like to see how tax defense can help you with back taxes, settlements, and helping with getting fees waived, call our toll free number at 800-673-1728 and dial ext 4. The call is free, the consultation is free, and you are not obligated to buy anything.