Work from Home with any type of business pt. 3

Work from Home with any type of business pt. 3


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Still on the back deck recording this series. If you didn’t hear the first two, definitely go back and listen to them. So far in episode 1 I went over getting a list of prospective clients. In episode 2 I went over developing a compelling message to deliver to this list of prospects.

In this episode I am going to continue on giving a compelling reason to respond to your campaign, and then go into ways of delivering your message.

One of the things I mentioned in this episode is offering incentives to speak. CLICK HERE to access a really great resource for offering incentives. Now you can also buy these 1 at a time rather than paying for a unlimited download subscription. You can buy them one at a time thorough my store. Click here for access to the store. Use the promotion code used in show and get a download for FREE.

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