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Infographic crafted with love by Officevibe, the enterprise employee engagemement platform that encourages daily team building.
You have probably heard the old saying, people don’t quit their job, they quit their bosses .
Poor leadership can lead to poor performance across the board.
This is why it’s important to make sure that you have great bosses/managers that are leading the pack and making everyone around them better on a daily basis.
Here are the 12 Outstanding Personality Traits Of A Great Boss:
1. Think Positive
Understand the power of positive psychology, look at every situation as a learning opportunity.
No matter what the situation or what type of rough waters you and your organization may enter, remember, if you have a great leader that is an optimist, it makes it a lot easier to work.
Believe me, the last thing that you’d like is for someone to constantly be on your case and give you a lot of negative energy.
2. Honesty Is The Best Policy
It’s important to be transparent and honest with employees.
Great bosses possess the leadership skills to appropriately tell people the truth, whether it’s good or bad.
Transparency is a hard thing to find in the old-school, traditional workplace, but it’s a growing trend within forward-thinking companies that believe in theflat hierarchy.
As they have to let everyone know what is going on at all times or else it can damage the synergy.
3. Delegate
It’s really bad for a boss to just hand assignments to people without any order or organization.
What you’ll see from great bosses is that they’ll delegate the work appropriately, as they know their employees’ strengths and weaknesses.
They also resist the urge to micro-manange and give the employees autonomy so they can easily do their task.
4. Communication is the Best Leadership Skill
So many problems in an organization are the result of lack of communication.
A great boss knows when to talk, but more importantly, when to not talk.
They also know how to speak to employees and clear up any sort of problems that might exist within the office.
5. Know How To Inspire
The fact of the matter is that great leaders know how to inspire.
Sometimes, they don’t even know it. However, what makes them a great boss is the fact that when there’s a big moment, they know how to react to it and how to make the people around them react to it.
If there’s a high pressure situation, the last thing you would want to deal with is someone who would look at it frivolously and not be able to motivate others.
6. Align The Team
Keep the entire team focused, and aligned towards one long term goal.
It’s important to make sure that everyone knows why they are doing certain tasks and what is the result that can come from doing it.
Make sure that your employees are engaged and that they are aligned in terms of knowing the vision and goals of the organization.
7. Promote Work Life Balance
This isn’t just one of the traits of a great boss this is also a trait of a great company.
Allowing employees to have balance between their work and their life allows them to be at peace and it lets them know that they’re more than just an employee, but a valuable person within their company.
8. Give Credit Where It’s Due
We know a thing or two about employee recognition over here.
As a leader, it’s really important to make sure that employees are getting the respect that they deserve.
So make sure to give out credit when it’s due and make sure to recognize employees. Remember, a pat on the back goes a long way.
9. Encourage Growth
Growth can come in many ways.
We often talk about failing fast within our posts and guest posts.
The reason why is because it encourages growth and it ensures employees that they have the ability to learn from mistakes, rather than fear making them.
10. Praise Your Employees!
Show your appreciation, even for the small things that your employees do.
A little praise can go a long way. Don’t hesitate to give them shout outs and let them know that they’re doing the right thing.
The ability to effectively praise people is the ultimate leadership skill and it will help the employees around you grow better and more confidently.
11. Mentor
If you’d like to be a great boss a major part of your skill set will have to be a mentor.
Being someone’s doesn’t have anything to with age, experience, or even their position.
If you’re able to help them excel at something, your duty is to lead them in the right direction and make sure that they’re as good as you, and if possible, better!
12. Be Absolutely Fair
Sure, sometimes a manager/boss will be a lot closer with a group of people.
However, a great boss respects the workplace and knows that everyone needs to be treated fairly and equally.
Don’t make the workplace an ogliarchy and make sure that it’s a fair game for anyone to leave a big imprint within the company.
What Do You Think Of The 12 Traits Of A Great Boss?
Are there any other traits or leadership skills that we might’ve missed or you find could be added on?