Episode 506 – Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Episode 506 - Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Anything to make my life easier, I’m all about. I found some of these tips, tricks, and techniques online today and thought I would pass them along. I hope they help you as they did me?

5 Ways Your Voice Assistant Can Make You More Productive

  1. Set meeting reminders
  2. Control your news feed
  3. Make to do list
  4. Read & Send email/text
  5. Record & Set Routines

6 Dumb Things Sales Managers & Management Teams Do

  1. Try to motivate sales people with a stick rather than a carrot
  2. Bait & Switch with their team
  3. Overshoot Horizon
  4. Create Teacher Pet’s
  5. Create Horse Races
  6. Allow in house undercutting

3 Simple ways to improve your presentation and public speaking skills

  1. Study TED Talk Speakers
  2. Record Yourself
  3. Ask for Feedback

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