Episode 535 – Proximity Marketing

Episode 535 - Proximity Marketing

Proximity marketing is a relatively new technology that’s been gaining steam in the retail and restaurant industries. It allows store owners to track customer movements, then send targeted messages to the phone of people who have entered the store or are near it.

The technology can help retailers with their marketing campaigns by giving them access to real-time information about customer behavior. For example, if a customer walks into a clothing store, proximity marketing software can tell you whether they make a purchase or not. If you’re trying to encourage customers to buy more than one item at a time, this information can be really valuable—you’ll know exactly when someone is ready for another purchase!

This technology can also help restaurants attract more customers. If you’re trying to get people into your restaurant during off-peak hours (for example, when there aren’t many other places open), proximity marketing can be used to send out notifications about discounts or specials on particular days and times when they’re likely to get more foot traffic than usual.

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