Episode 546 – $1,100 per lead. No selling, just generate leads!

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Episode 546 - $1,100 per lead. No selling, just generate leads!

RMP offer pays $1,100 per opt in and allows 15 leads per day

I am super stoked about the earning potential our Elite Members and Trainers have, but this latest offer just illustrates the incredible value that our ELT system and support offers. With the economy feeling unstable for so many and the job market shifting at a dizzying pace, the stability of being a solutions provider in a world full problems is nice.

The latest RMP, that’s Referral Marketing Partner that we’ve just brought on to many of our Elite Members is a great one. In this podcast I cover it and talk about the training video I just did about it. To see that video go to: https://terrywilson3.com/new-referral-partners-commissions-are-off-the-charts/

If you would like a free training on you can start earning up to $1k per day go to listgoboom.com 

You Are Worth More! Let show you how and why. Get a free audio copy of You Are Worth More by going to youareworthmorebook.com

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