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I have found the key to my success is the ability to be more creative than my previous self. The more I can create new products, strategies, opportunities, content, relationships, markets, sales, and value to others, the more I will be successful. Because of this I am always trying to find ways to improve and increase my creativity. But where can you go to find out how to be more creative?
I decided to go back to creation itself to see if there was any clues in how to develop a more creative mindset and capacity to be creative. Boy did I fall into a treasure trove of creative juice. God’s Word never disappoints!
In looking at the days of creation laid out in Genesis I started to notice the order in which things were created. This led me to think about what the function and utility of those things were to creating anything. BOOM!! A whole frame work to the creative process unfurled.
7 elements to create
1. Vision
2. Environment
3. Definition
4. Direction
5. Provision
6. Purpose
7. Contentment
This is a whole series I’m developing on the prophetic language of creation. The 3 sections I’ll be covering is:
A New Reality
Dominion Established
Innocence Lost