579 – Why reputation management for small business is crucial

The terrywilson3.com Podcast
The terrywilson3.com Podcast
579 - Why reputation management for small business is crucial

Your online reputation is crucial

Most people think of reputation management as just managing your online reviews. While this is a big part of it, it’s not the only part. Reputation management puts the business owner in better control of their of their brand and message. It also incentivizes the small business owner to ask for reviews even from customers you know may leave a negative review. 

Don’t be defensive about negative reviews

The fact is 2 people could buy the same thing, at the same time, for the same amount, from the same person and give a completely different review about the experience. So what people say about your business or service is just as much a reflection on them as it is the business. However even if it’s a negative review it can have a very positive impact on the business if managed properly.

I was terrible with negative reviews early on

When I first started my online business I was terrible at handling negative reviews. I felt they were unfair, many were untrue, and ultimately frustrating. While I still don’t like it when it happens, through the years I’ve learned to leverage them rather than be leveraged by them.

Reputation Management done right by TW3

When you have a system in place that consistently asks for reviews, even if they’re negative you can benefit by them if managed properly.

  1. You benefit from the SEO

  2. You gain perspective from a specific client type

  3. You can actually make a foe a fan

  4. You can demonstrate your commitment 

Using our system to manage your reputation you can allow your good reviews to be published and be given the opportunity to win back your negative reviewers. It’s a win win and can ultimately help you in the SEO game as well.

Reach out today for a free consultation on how we can help you with your local SEO, gain 5 star reviews immediately, and mitigate negative reviews.

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