I just got back from our Cruise aboard the wonderful Oasis of the Seas ship and it was a wonderful time. One of the most enjoyable parts of the trip was being aboard such a large vessel that was only a little over a 1/3 capacity. Due to hurricane Irma many passengers canceled their plans to cruise. While this is totally understandable, the ones who kept their reservations received a 50% refund, a 50% voucher toward the next cruise, and all kinds of amenities to stay onboard.
In this episode I share how so many times our greatest accomplishment, achievement, income, or growth is wrapped in problems, adversities, and discouragement. I really think you will enjoy this one.
I also illustrate how learning to purchase homes way under their value can help you create:
- Immediate Wealth
- Perpetual Income
- More home for less money
You will also hear a TERRIBLE example of someone using a voice dialer to try to solicit my business. When will these people learn?
I also cover how I was able to generate around $1200 on auto-pilot while cruising in the Caribbean this past week.
Links to things mentioned in the show are: