Dress for Success in the Digital Age – Episode 281

Dress for Success in the Digital Age - Episode 281

When I started in business years ago many of my seniors at the time offered advice such as, “to be taken seriously, you have to dress seriously,” or they would say, “the suit makes the man.” All of these words of wisdom from a generation before me was saying the same thing. Your personal branding matters. In this episode I share 3 digital tools you must have to to build your personal brand. I hope you enjoy.

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2 thoughts on “Dress for Success in the Digital Age – Episode 281

  1. Johnny Marlow

    Terry – You are right about having to have an online presence. I thought for the last couple of years that because I had a FB page for my business I was doing it right. Unfortunately I’m seeing why you have to have your own site so you own your online presence, rather then hoping facebook will not make changes that hurts your business.

    Good stuff sir

  2. Alicia Staples

    Hi Terry – Just became a member last week. I LOVED THE TRAINING WED NIGHT!!! WOW!! Thank you so much for everything you offer your members

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