Episode 341 – The Power of a Personal Connection

Episode 341 - The Power of a Personal Connection

We live in a world that’s connected with social media but has less and less personal connection. In this episode I share how several members who came to our last conference in March of 2018 are now on target making over 6 figures in their own home based business. How? Through the power of personal connection.

I love podcasting, blogging, social media, and all of the luxuries and amenities that our new digital technology offers in communicating with millions at the click of a button. HOWEVER nothing will replace the power of personal connection. That is why you need to make a decision now that next year is you year to go to the next level.

Make plans to come to our “You Are Worth More Conference,” and see your next years income go to new levels. We are offering conference tickets until the end of December for 1/2 off. That means you can come for only $197. Go to worthmoreconference.com now to reserve your ticket to change your life.

I don’t say this lightly. YOU WILL learn how to earn more, on your terms, and with greater velocity by attending. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to our guest tonight on the show explain what and how our conference in 2018 effected their income and life.


I was joined in the Studio by one of the funniest up and coming comics around, Chris Ruppe. Check out his site at chrisruppe.com Chris is an ELT member who spoke at our last conference with an extensive background in team building, leadership development, and organizational growth. He’s an experience church planter, pastor, and travels the country in the comedy circuit. Chris has a huge passion for adoption and is a great resource and friend at TW3. We are honored to have him with us tonight.

Also want to thank top influencers and income earners at TW3 for sharing their wisdom and insight with us tonight.

Lindsey Taylor – ELT Member & Trainer

Reagan Wilson – ELT Member & Ticket Support

Gary Greene – ELT Member & Trainer

Joe Speers – ELT Member & Trainer

Marc Griffin – ELT Member & Trainer

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