Episode 365 – How to sell when you stink at sales

Episode 365 - How to sell when you stink at sales

When a business is slumping in sales it’s typically not because of the sales person but the sales process. You can grow a business, start a business, and have a profitable business and be terrible at sales, but you have to have a strong sales process.

In a recent study done by SMA 90% of the top performing companies studied had in place an organized, systematic sales process for their sales force to follow. Many of the ones studies ranked their sales talent as average at best. This means you can stink at sales and still make alot of sales in your business if you have a good process.

10 Reasons Why You Should have a Sales Process

  1. Gets rid of waisted time
  2. Keeps you on course
  3. Leverages your multiple talents and abilities
  4. Helps you see your business from your clients prospective
  5. Helps isolate why your sales have stalled
  6. Helps your obtained higher quality leads
  7. Helps you forecast your income
  8. Keeps you from missing followups
  9. Helps you give your clients a better experience
  10. Helps onboard rookie sales people into your business


The 6 activities taught to TW3 Members that I guarantee results from:

  1. Engage an Audience
  2. Capture Leads from Traffic
  3. Present to Capture Leads
  4. Close
  5. Coach / Support
  6. Drip

Links from Show:

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