Episode 383 – Overcoming and Winning with Special Guest Tom Sellars

Episode 383 - Overcoming and Winning with Special Guest Tom Sellars

How a cancer survivor said, Not Done Yet!

I’m honored to have Tom Sellars from 247creditfunding.com and the Not Done Yet Podcast in the TW3 studio today. Not only is Tom a top trainer at TW3 but is also a consultant in the financial lending industry and runs his own podcast dedicated to others who are or have faced cancer.

Today we spoke about.

  1. How many leads Tom drives a week with his TW3 system to generate income for his businesses
  2. How and Why Tom started his Not Done Yet podcast
  3. What others should know when first faced with incredibly bad news
  4. and tons more!

Enjoy this insightful, informative, and inspirational conversation with Tom Sellars.



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