Episode 385 – $143k in 10 months earned by a new TW3 entrepreneur

Episode 385 - $143k in 10 months earned by a new TW3 entrepreneur

Welcome to everyone who’s on our live stream tonight as we record episode 385 for our podcast subscribers. This is a special episode you are on tonight. Tonight I’m going to interview a member who has been with us for 10 months and has taken our tools and done amazing things. You will want to hear his story. It’s coming up in just a few short minutes.


Reagan: We are also taking questions from the live audience. So if you have a question or hear something said and would like clarification then don’t hesitate to ask us in the chat. If we don’t get to it one of our ELT members might be able to answer it as well.


Lindsey: If you want a free signed copy of Terry’s new book, You Are Worth More go the be sure to share this live stream right now on either Facebook, Twitter, or LInkedIn with the hashtag #tw3podcast385 We will choose someone by the end of the night to send a free signed copy to. If you would like to purchase a copy of You Are Worth More then go to youareworthmorebook.com now. 


Chris: The conference is coming! Want to earn more, experience more, and enjoy more in personal and professional life? Then go to worthmoreconference.com and get your tickets now. We only have a few left and once we are sold out we are sold out. That’s worthmoreconference.com


Terry: So when we get back you are going to hear how an entrepreneur in the past 10 months has earned over $143k with using our tools and training. You are also going to hear my personal income report for Sept. When we get back right after this.

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