Episode 391 – One sold a ton while the other sold none

Episode 391 - One sold a ton while the other sold none

Tonight we’re talking about something you just won’t believe. Tonight I want to share with you how members here at TW3 are just knocking it out of the park by using our tools and training. I also want to share with you how some others are struggling.

Both examples:

  1. Have the same system
  2. Have the same tools
  3. Have the same training
  4. Have the same opportunity

If you asked the one who sold a ton he would claim were the best thing since sliced bread.

If you asked the other I’m sure they’d have a different opinion.

So why such a chasm between the two?

We’ll get into that later tonight!

I’m also interviewing a member tonight who to be honest thought we were just another internet scam. He had tried another business opportunity before and became very disheartened because of it. So when the TW3 opportunity came around he was very tentative and probably even a bit suspicious too. He eventually joined and hasn’t looked back. He’s not just another success story here at TW3 but has become of one of our most eloquent and articulate advocates. He wrote an article about his experience with the TW3 platform that I will link in the show notes to this podcast so you can go and read at your leisure. So stay tuned for that interview.


2 thoughts on “Episode 391 – One sold a ton while the other sold none

  1. Clay from Phoenix

    We discuss how 1 member made over $40k last week.

    Wow I would love to hear more about this guy and some of the details.

    When you started to talk about it that mellinial kid, and Miss CBD knocked you off point with their comedic comments, just when you were getting into the juicy stuff.


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