Episode 403 – More than just a dream
Tonight we want to give honor and pay tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I don’t find it a coincidence at all that Dr King was named after the great church reformer Martin Luther. The Augustinian Monk and Theologian brought about the great reformation a few hundred years prior to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr birth. However just like Dr. King’s Jr’s predecessor who pinned and posted the 95 thesis on the church door, Dr King pinned & proposed a dream that was posted on the hearts of a nation. A dream that is to this day being realized more and more from the day it was proposed. Although it was and is an awe inspiring dream, it was more than just a dream.
A dream is what will stir you, excite you, and inspire you, but freedom, greatness, a life’s full potential has to be more than just a dream. Freedom just like anything else of value has to be an expectation that is satisfied. Dreams will show up in what I say but an expectation will show up in what I do. Let me ask you tonight, what do you expect? Do you dream about a harvest or do you expect a harvest because you’ve been busy in the field prepping the ground, sowing the seed, and pulling the weeds? Yes I say dream, and dream big, but don’t just be a dreamer, be a doer and receiver of all that is great.
Tonight I want to talk to you about how you can make your dreams a reality. How you can really have a new life in 2020. If we do our jobs tonights you will hopefully walk away with not only a mindset to help you re-focus but actionable steps and a plan to make your dreams a reality.
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I’ve been getting your e-mails for years…YEARS! For the first time today, I listened to your podcast.
Probably because I’m at my “wits end” in having to make money, and just thought I’d listen. Still not expecting to hear anything beyond what I thought this would be.
I’ll put it bluntly: y’all PREACHED today. You hear me? I have been praying, and you hit many of my issues. When the sister said, “when things didn’t go the way I ‘saw them’ it just told me I’m not the one in charge.” Ooooh yes. I have a testimony about that VERY thing, and that was truly a blessing to remember…He IS in control. He only asks that we TRUST Him.
Thank you for that podcast. The search goes ON for a ‘job’, but NOT a job…if u know what I mean. Perhaps we’ll talk soon?
Peace and Blessings!