Episode 419 – Remember with Special Guest Pastor Terry Howell

Episode 419 - Remember with Special Guest Pastor Terry Howell


Happy Memorial Day TW3 Family and welcome to episode 419. Tonight we are taking time to give honor where honor is due and remember. On this memorial day special episode we  want to pause for cause to remember all of those who gave everything for us to be here and do what we are doing tonight. As the song and saying you have probably heard goes, “all gave some and some gave all.” Tonight we honor and remember those who gave all. And remembering is a powerful tool. The ability to remember can both set a person free and incarcerate a persons soul. The power of remembrance is easily unrecognized but never unfelt. Too many times in our busy tecehnotronic, social media woven lives we fail to recognize the gravitational pull on our soul that the orbiting of memories swirling in our minds have on our day to day lives. Tonight we are talking about Remembering and its power.

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