How to sell more life insurance

One question I’m constantly asked is, “how can I sell more life insurance”. Getting clients, and building your book of business is the greatest challenge any agent faces. Because of this known fact, it makes insurance agents, and people in direct sales prime target for charlatans, and huxters online to try and sell their leads.


I have learned after being in business for many years myself that if you have to purchase leads, you don’t have your own business. You are in fact working for someone else, and are at the mercy of their quality of lead generation. The day I learned how to create my own leads, was the day I started my own business, and could reach any financial goal I wanted. I’ve put together a short 7 min video that will give you step by step how I create my own life insurance leads. I think you will find it very informative, practical, and financially prudent.





4 thoughts on “How to sell more life insurance

  1. Roberto Calderon

    I am interested in knowing about your insurance business.
    I know you are a broker and want to know what you offer to people that sign up with you.

    Roberto Calderon

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