Making money off of what Donald Trump says & does

Whether you love him, hate him, or petrified of him one thing is for certain, he’s the hottest ticket in town. Nothing drives traffic online more than the 5 letter word, TRUMP. So how does this benefit online marketers, and Plus Members® at Easy, see how today June 6th in 3 hours $1,082.50 was earned. By the way this is a static figure of what has come in off of the campaign thus far.

  1. Gather a 10,000 filtered and scrubbed data list of demographically motivated respondents. In this case groups that probably have a strong opinion on what Trump has said.
  2. Use our bulk dialer to call these 10,000 people offering the chance to win a free iPad for filling out a survey to offer their opinion on the latest faux pas by Mr. Trump
  3. Direct them to the provided landing page created, and provided for my survey company offering promotion in the Plus Package RMP kit.
  4. Watch over 8% response thus far respond and fill out survey.
  5. Get paid $1.25 per submitted survey.

This is just one way of how members of make money. See video below to see how this was done in a different campaign.

8 thoughts on “Making money off of what Donald Trump says & does

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