The Story of a new TW3 member who went from homeless to making money in just 2 weeks – Episode 263

The Story of a new TW3 member who went from homeless to making money in just 2 weeks - Episode 263

There are many webinars, podcast, and books on how to find success. Most are high on hype and weak on what to’s. In this episode you will hear the story of 1 new TW3 member who went from being homeless living under a bridge with her daughter to generating her fist sell in only a matter of days.

What you will hear in her story is what I share in the very beginning of the show. There is one thing that will create sustainable success in your business and building a team.

Degrees can Deceive – They can lure you into thinking there’s nothing else needed.

Credentials will Corrode – What you are equipped with today will change tomorrow.

Titles are Temporary – The environment conquered today moves tomorrow.


The only sure way to have sustainable success in life, business, and money is to learn how to apply what you know each day. We call that wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to take what you know and leverage it to create value in any given situation.

In today’s podcast you will hear the story of one TW3 member who has had her ups and downs, but never lost the true asset she always had to succeed, wisdom.


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10 thoughts on “The Story of a new TW3 member who went from homeless to making money in just 2 weeks – Episode 263

  1. Michael Cable

    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Makes be feel like a dang fool for feeling sorry for myself and my situation.

    Please thank her for her participation and thank you for sharing.

  2. Lu

    I can so relate to her story. I went through a personal and financial setback that left me with no self-confidence, second guessing every decision I make This is totally opposite of who I was before this life event. I feel like I can’t get out of my own way, but I know I need to choose a direction and then go for it as I’m still in there… Thank you for interviewing her and God bless both of you.

  3. Theresa Isaac

    This is my favorite podcast. That is my story. I am coming out of a bad marriage too. My estranged husband took all the money and fled the country 6 and a half years ago leaving me while I had a health condition that caused me not to be able to work and a $150,000 tax debt because he spent majority of the money that was made from the business we had together. If it wasn’t for my family, I would have been homeless as well. I am back on my feet now and ready to get rid of him if I can find him and start a completely new life in another city.

  4. William

    Her story sounds amazing except I’m sitting here thinking to myself how in the heck did she find your ad in the first place and how was she able to do this business if she was living on skid row?She was scraping for money to eat and pay the bills so how did she have enough money to be able to afford a computer or a phone to do the business?you also need data or internet access to do the business as well so where did she come up with the money for that but had no money to eat and pay the bills and I’m sure the little money that she did have she would have used for food and shelter for her and her daughter.She doesn’t mention that part in the interview which makes me question if her story is credible or is it just a “STORY.”?? (second portion of paragraph removed by editor)

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi William –
      I responded in more detail directly to you, but just so you know.
      1. You’re assuming she responded to an online ad which is false.
      2. She wasn’t homeless because of drugs, or other issues but domestic problems she was fleeing from. She was and is a highly intelligent person who had been an entrepreneur for years prior. When she left and fled to where we met her she had a cell phone and laptop with her.
      3. She started with us as an affiliate which is free. Her recruiter worked with her to help generate some leads to ramp up quickly. Her previous experience of being an entrepreneur did help her tremendously.
      4. We would have not broadcasted it without first vetting her story. The way this became a podcast was from a phone call of me reaching out to her basically congratulating her in quick success of only being in the business shortly.

      I’m answering your questions sincerely and giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are simply not trolling to pester what you perceive as competition. I changed your email address so not to give your post any backlinks to your existing consulting business that it’s tied to. I find that typically when people leave snarky comments on a post such as this one and try to challenge the integrity or veracity in a public way it usually is from someone with a vested interest such as yourself. I’m not saying that is your intent but it does seem suspicious.

      I would encourage you to try a different approach if you are trying to build an online consulting business. Even if you sincerely don’t understand, misunderstand, or don’t believe a claim from another consultant your approach would’ve been more fruitful to send a direct email and ask for clarification. You may not be a sophisticated to online marketing and tracking as you ought if you’re making similar post in other places with your IP address, email address, and browser information exposed while posting on other blogs. I hope this is not a strategy you teach, train, or advocate to others who potentially paying you for online marketing help. Just my friendly advice.

      Good luck to you sir and thank you for taking the time to post your concerns. We are here to genuinely help if you are sincere. If you’re simply trolling, be careful not to hit a rock. 😉

  5. Dionne Decker

    Thank you for sharing this story, I understand what she went through and am thankful for this broadcast and am ready to get started, It brought back that fire and self-worth I thought I had lost.:( I have been tying to find that women I lost last year….
    Thank you :

    I’m ready to get started..

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