How to Achieve your business goals – Webinar Monday March 14th 9pm

Are you ready to accomplish your business goals? What are your goals? Would you like to:

  • Grow your sales
  • Earn more money
  • Have More Freedom
  • Leverage your skills
  • Create a future income stream

4 thoughts on “How to Achieve your business goals – Webinar Monday March 14th 9pm

  1. Ty Shores

    Terry, thanks for the info. I’m very eager to start working in you call center, I have been watching your videos and I’m ready to start making myself and the company $$$$$$, I take pride in doing sales and I strive to be the best among my peers or anyone in the company thanks for your time
    Ty Shores

  2. Shelia Perry

    Hi Terry I joined in January I knew my job was coming to an end as of today 04/12/16 it has ended. i AM READY TO GET STARTED. i will go to the back office and study up. I don’t want to be tied to the phones all day but I would like to make at least 2,000.00 a week what would be my best route to make that happen?
    Shelia Perry

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Shelia –

      With our call center you can call your clients back at your convenience and do not have to be tied down all day to a phone. When calls come into your extension simply let them go to vm if you are unable to attend them, and then call back at a more convenient time. To reach your goal you need to be selling 1-3 packages a week which is highly doable.

      We are having a members training Wed night. Hope you can make it. An email went out to all of our members.


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