Episode 453 – Present and Persuade. Interview with Chris Miller and Neil O’Reilly

Episode 453 - Present and Persuade. Interview with Chris Miller and Neil O'Reilly
We are talking about how to better present and persuade. You could be sitting on a million dollar idea right now. You could be holding the very solution that your community, colleagues, or company needs to improve and solve their current challenges. However without the ability to present your ideas and persuade others, the idea will not turn into action, which for the entrepreneur, business leader, coach and consultant, won’t turn into value. AND VALUE is the only justifiable means in which payment can be expected. So needless to say, this is going to be a great show!
Tonight I have a power packed all star line up to bring to you in order to deliver this incredible content to you.
First: Miller Time! Chris Miller is an Elite Trainer and member here at TW3 who host a show every Tuesday Night at 6pm on tw3radio.com He’s been in finance, business, coaching and consulting for years. We’re lucky to have him and can’t wait to introduce him to you in just moments.
Second: The Truth Teller! Neil O’Reilly. If you’ve ever suffered from truth decay, then let me recommend some mental floss from the truth teller himself, Neil O’Reilly. He’s a former ADA from NYC and will be giving his insights and stories of how he persuaded criminals, courts, colleagues, and community to see things his way.

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