Episode 463 – 7 Tips on how to create more consistent sales

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Episode 463 - 7 Tips on how to create more consistent sales

How to prevent your income from bouncing up and down

If you’ve been in sales for long at all you know one of the challenges many sales people face is the up and down nature of sales. I don’t think the fluctuation of business can ever be fully prevented, but there are some things I believe we as business professionals can do to create a consistent flow of business and income. In this short 20min session I will share the 7 tips that have helped me for over 25 years of self employment have more consistent and dependable results.

Tune in to terrywilson3.com on April the 12th for episode 464 for as we welcome Linda the Legend from tw3radio.com She will be sharing on how to create copy that converts. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!!

Then the following Monday on April the 19th we welcome the author of “How to create copy that sells,” Ray Edwards of rayedwards.com into the TW3 Studio. He will be talking about his new book, “Permission to Prosper,” so you will want to be here for that. BUT WAIT THERE’S EVEN MORE!!!!

We also will have with us on the April 19 turnitintoabook.com own, Leslie Graham. Leslie is the wordsmith and copy queen of some of the top online marketers, entrepreneurs, and influences in the world today. She also helped me on my book, “Warning Opportunity Ahead,” and I can’t wait for you to hear from her.

So we are finishing the month of April strong with back to back to back all-stars to help you take your money, business, and life to all new levels here at terrywilson3.com

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