Episode 469 – Unlimited Sales Appointments with Guest Gary Greene

Episode 469 - Unlimited Sales Appointments with Guest Gary Greene

How to keep your calendar full of hot leads

How would you like to go see your sons baseball game, go camping, fishing, hiking, or taking your boat out on the water for a few days to enjoy to come back and have your calendar booked solid with appointments of potential buyers who need, want, and can afford what it is you offer? Think it’s impossible? Well think again!

Our guest tonight has been with us going on 8 years now and consistently earns $5k – $10k a week by using our tools, training, and technology to work when he wants, with who he wants, whenever he wants. We affectionately refer to him as greenbacks, the one and only Gary Greene.

But wait there’s more! Tonight Terry is also interviewing a client of Gary’s and the newest tw3radio.com personality that offered us such a great training last week, Miss Valeries Williams. That will be coming up in segment 3 so stay tuned for that!

Join Gary on tw3radio.com every Thursday Night at 9pmET



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