Episode 504 – Leads for less than $.02 that convert

Episode 504 - Leads for less than $.02 that convert

Episode 504 – Leads for less than $.02 that convert

Leads are the lifeblood of any business or organization. Whether you are a school, church, private practice, retail or restaurant, or sales person there is one common denominator to everyone, leads. Without a consistent, predictable stream of fresh people to see what you offer, your organizations health is danger. Tonight we’re talking about, “leads for less than $.02 that convert.”

We’re offering to non-members of TW3 5 free leads and a training on how you can create leads on demand for almost nothing. Go to https://terrywilson3.com/wordpress/5freeoffer that’s https://terrywilson3.com/wordpress/5freeoffer There you will get 5 free leads and a training on how we generated them for you too! This is for non-members as members already will have this training and more in their back office. 

The TW3 Business in 2022 

  1. Why a business platform like TW3 is essential for success
    1. Lead Generation
    2. Lead Nurture
    3. Monetization models
  2. Who else thinks this? https://www.quiverquant.com/ (Senate & House) 
    1. Follow the money
    2. Compare the value
  3. Appointment confirmation workflows 
    1. Request Ask confirm 1 day prior
    2. Sending email detergent prior to appointment 
  4. Becoming a member
    1. Affiliate
    2. Trainer
      1. SRT
      2. PRT
      3. ELT

Lead Targeted Campaigns Now

  1. Industry specific 
  2. Area Specific 
  3. Local Focus

Lead List https://terrywilson3.com/wordpress/leads or https://leadsbyterry.com 

  1. What does filtered scrubbed mean?
  2. What does opted in mean?
  3. How is a lead list used? 
    1. Restaurant
    2. Sales Person
    3. Church / School 
  4. What do they typically cost? 

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