Episode 503 – What is your marketing’s ROI? – terrywilson3.com

Episode 503 - What is your marketing's ROI? - terrywilson3.com

3 questions to help improve your marketing spend

  1. Am I getting a 5-10:1 ratio?
  2. Am I asking my sales team to do my marketing?
  3. Do I have the human resource to do my own marketing

To answer number 3 I believe you have to be able to do the following

  1. Produce good copy-write
    1. blogs
    2. social media
    3. text
    4. email
    5. ads
    6. sales pages
  2. Develop strong sales narratives or concepts
  3. Understand the various technical components
  4. Develop Content

As a case study I share how during ACA I helped a health insurance company stay relevant during an onslaught of political and regulatory changes.

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