Episode 536 – Big advice from small business

The terrywilson3.com Podcast
The terrywilson3.com Podcast
Episode 536 - Big advice from small business


Today we are talking about advice that has helped others in their business. Everyone has an opinion and to the degree the opinion can bring positive growth to another it has value. However what makes these opinions offered as advice is they come from a wide spectrum of experienced business people. Even more special is these are business owners and professionals that are not up in some ivory tower, on a book tour, or a featured talking head on some show. No these are real people, running real businesses, in the real world. So their advice is practical, profitable, and to the point on what it takes to start, scale, and support a small business.

Advice from small business owners

Greg Hayes

The only way you fail is to stop trying

The best customers are built by building a relationship with them

The eyes eat before the mouth …..in other words appearance is key in product

Never undersell yourself

If you sell cheap the clients will be cheap

The best customers are the ones who wait in line. ..they want to be there

Repeat business is a necessity

If the customers children bring them there you have a multi generational advantage

All advice is good advice..lol

Everette Murray

If you don’t take care of the customer, someone else will.

Neil O’Reilly

Watch the TW3 podcast religiously.

Mike Duncan

If you can only eat noodles because you can’t afford steak, keep eating noodles when you can, so you can keep investing back into your biz.

Terry Armour 

Don’t start a machine shop even though I had a business plan in the mid 90s because everything was going to china

William Israel 

Never give up

Patrick Yancy

Solve prospect/client problems and you will find eternal success.

Get your FREE copy today!

After reading this book you will know:


  • Your unique value
  • Where and what your value is
  • The imperative for success
  • How to leverage your value
  • Succeed in spite of weakness
  • Break the cycle of failure
  • Tap into your creative genius
  • Why you are worth more

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