What is a tap card and why you have to have one.

9 Reasons why you need a tap card with the TW3app

Tap cards and digital business cards have been on the market for a few years. However most tap cards are pretty straight forward in what they do. You tap a phone with them and they can be programmed to share transmit contact info, trigger the mobile device to do something, or share a document. However a tap card programmed with the TW3app behind it is a whole new beast.

Yes you can do all the things any other tap card can but now you can:

1. Capture their info

2. Add them to a funnel

3. Share files and receive files

4. Book an appointment

5. Receive Payment

6. Send them directly to an affiliate offer

7. Subscribe them to a list, social media profile, and blog

8. Recruit them into a business

9. Give them a virtual tour of a home or property

and tons of others things that our app and tools at TW3 will do.

The possibilities are limitless. Get your TW3 tap card® today by going to https://terrywilson3.com/tapcard.

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