Episode 538 – 29 ideas for creating content

Episode 538 - 29 ideas for creating content
Welcome to episode 538! Today we’re talking about ideas for creating content for your site, podcast, social media, and newsletters. All of the wizards of smart and studies say the same thing when it comes to building a brand and promoting your business, content is king. The challenge for most small business people is creating it.
In past espisodes we’ve shared about AI software that will do a lot of the grunt work for you in creating content, however there is one thing it won’t do and that’s start the idea. What do you talk about? How do you get an audience to engage? What will connect and resonate? All of these are questions you’ve probably asked when thinking about creating your content.
So in this episode we’re going to dig into 29 ideas that should help you in creating better more engaging content to help build your brand, drive more traffic, generate more leads, and ultimately increase your sales.

29 content ideas

1. Create a daily, weekly or monthly series
2. Run a contest or giveaway
3. Host an AMA “ask me anything”
4. Run a social media takeover “give the keys to someone else for a special”
5. Share curated relevant content
6. Repurpose your own content
7. Host a challenge
8. Create a how-to or tutorial
9. Celebrate “National Whatever Day!”
10. Make a meme
11. Give customers the spotlight
12. Do a “This or That” poll
13. Go behind the scenes
14. Share a milestone
15. Share a reading list or playlist
16. Tap into a trending topic
17. Show your product in a surprising situation
18. Make a slow-mo video
19. Share some wisdom
20. Showcase user-generated content
21. Share secrets or hacks
22. Post a recipe
23. Ask your followers for advice
24. Fill in the blank
25. Congratulate someone for an achievement
26. Introduce your team members
27. Do a charity drive
28. Tease a product drop or upcoming release
29. Brag about your reviews

Resources Mentioned in show

AI content creator – terrywilson3.com/copyai

Digital Tap Cards – terrywilson3.com/tapcard


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