These 9 attitudes in action are shown to bring true happiness
If you want to be happy, you need to be able to find joy in your daily life. But what exactly is happiness? While some people think of happiness as the ability to buy a new car or go on vacation, true happiness goes deeper than that. If you’re looking for something more than material possessions or fleeting experiences, this list can help guide your journey toward true happiness:
1. Be Humble
Humility is the opposite of arrogance. It is a virtue that is often talked about but less often practiced, especially in modern culture. In ancient cultures, however, humility was highly valued and considered an important aspect of everyday life. Humility can be learned: here are some ways to get started.
- Consider your place in the world—and be proud of it! You might not be the best person in your field or at what you do, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in what you do have to offer others. Take pride in your achievements despite any shortcomings they may have; this will help build your own self-esteem as well as other people’s perception of you as someone worthy of respect and admiration for who you are and what you’ve accomplished so far.
- Be willing to say, “I don’t know.” The greatest tool you have to learn more in order to earn more is to soak up all the knowledge and wisdom around you. I found if you ask questions and just listen, people will tell you everything they know. Why not take the short cut and let others learn all the hard lessons you need to know and then simply have them hand those lessons over to you?
2. Learning from your loss
While it’s important to learn from your mistakes, don’t dwell on the past. You can’t change what you’ve done, but you can learn from it and move forward.
When it comes to mistakes, don’t let them define who you are as a person—especially if they’re small ones. If something bad happens because of your actions or decisions and there’s no way around that, accept responsibility for those actions (or lack of) and move on with your life! Be proud of what you’ve learned in that situation; use those lessons as fuel for future decisions and actions.
Never be afraid to take risks or fail again while trying to achieve happiness in life. Don’t be afraid to fail at something because failing is part of life—it is how we grow stronger as individuals! The only way we know if something will work out for us or not is by taking action first…and then learning from whatever happens afterwards!
3. Be dominant in skill but soft in expression
There’s an old proverb that say’s, “It’s better to be a warrior in a garden then a gardener in a war!” There’s no virtue in weakness but there’s no ethics in bullying either. President Reagan famously described his foreign policies objective by saying, “peace through strength.”
The way to find enjoyment in your daily routines, task, and work is to be a dominant force to contend with. So much so that it is apparent that anyone who would challenge you would know beforehand that you are a formidable force to be reckoned with. However the outward expression of your ability, skill, and obvious competence is through a very soft, unassuming, benevolent expression of grace.
- Be kind
- Be gentle with yourself and others
- Treat everyone with respect, including yourself
- Treat people with kindness, even when they don’t deserve it
4. Always keep a desire to grow
When you have the desire to grow, it means that you are not complacent. You’re looking for new opportunities and ways to expand your horizons. It means that you aren’t afraid of change or failure, or even success. The payoff is from the hunger not the satisfaction of eating. Learn to stay hungry:
- Read / Listen to things that challenge you
- Allow your pre-notions to be challenged
- Frequent circles of people who make you better
- Never accept the status quo as the final destination
- Learn to love the journey
5. Practice giving and receiving forgiveness
Forgiving someone is a choice. It is not forgetting what they did, but it also isn’t letting them off the hook. Forgiveness is not condoning the wrong that was done, and it is not about making yourself feel better or letting them win. Forgiveness should begin with yourself; you need to forgive yourself before being able to forgive others. When you are capable of forgiving yourself, then you can truly begin to experience happiness in your life. Understanding how you can become forgiven, receive forgiveness, walk in forgiveness, will ultimately empower you to offer forgiveness.
6. Always speak, act, and be sincere
“Sincere” is defined as “genuine,” and it can mean many things. For example, when you look into the eyes of someone who’s being sincere with you, they’re not just faking it. They’re actually interested in your story—not just trying to gain something from you or get a laugh at your expense. It’s all about authenticity and transparency; they want to know who you really are because they care about getting to know the real person behind whatever mask might be covering up the real person inside. It may be an important lesson in life: if someone doesn’t want to hear about how bad things have been for me lately, then maybe their motives aren’t as pure as I’d like them to be!
Sincerity is also important because it helps us stay kind even in challenging situations where we might otherwise become defensive or aggressive (which would only make matters worse). Dr. Jordan Peterson in his book, 12 rules for life has a segment called, “Always tell the truth.” This may sound pious or like some platitude, but from a practical way of thinking, how often to we lie to ourselves which turn into lies to others?
7. Bring, demand, and expect peace wherever you go
Peace is the environment that prospers. Show me an office, school, home, or business that have peace and you’ll see one that is thriving. Too many times we overlook this one critical ingredient due to all of the distractions that daily life and activity bring. Those who can reconcile difference and offer solutions will automatically see their value, stake, and importance go up. The fastest way to promotion both personally and professionally is learning the art of creating peace.
- The importance of being a peacemaker
- The importance of being able to resolve conflict
- The importance of being a good listener
- The importance of being able to compromise
- The importance of being able to forgive and apologize
8. Take and shoulder responsibility
The act and attitude of being responsible is in such short supply that anyone that can start to operate in it will automatically be catapulted to higher levels in the current culture. It’s such a refreshing disposition and essential need that any other former disqualifying attribute will be quickly overlooked and dismissed.
Being and taking responsibility for a task, project, or team means that you are willing to have the masses make you the scapegoat. It means that your popularity will suffer, and your reputation could be damaged. However it also means that things will be accomplished. Task will be completed and projects will move forward. It also means those who have the greatest investment in outcome will soon recognize your irreplaceable importance and be willing to become your greatest advocates and assets.
- Make decisions based on facts.
- Take responsibility for your actions.
- Be accountable for your mistakes.
- Ask for help when you need it, and don’t make excuses or blame others when you need to ask for help. You’re not a victim and no one else is responsible for your happiness but you!
9. Be a leader
A leader is someone who can motivate and inspire others, make good decisions, be trusted and take charge of a situation. In other words, a leader is someone with true character. If you are able to live up to the qualities of leadership, then you will find yourself being happier on a day-to-day basis.
Leadership is a calling that everyone is given but only a few answer. Leadership is not about being in charge but rather responsible. It means taking ownership and investing in an outcome. True leadership starts and ends with serving others.
Learn about some of the attitudes that are known for helping people achieve a better quality of life.
If you’re experiencing some kind of loss, don’t be afraid to learn from it.
A good attitude is one that has been tried and tested by time. It’s not something you can just make up on your own; it’s something that comes from experience and learning how to deal with life as it comes at you. The best attitude is one that softens the blows of tragedy while being skilled enough to handle challenges when they come along. If we all had such an attitude, our world would be a better place!
But don’t get me wrong—this doesn’t mean your life will always be easy or unhindered by hardship or sadness; rather, this means that there will always be something valuable in every situation we encounter—and if there isn’t any value (like if someone dies unexpectedly), then at least there was love between them and others during their lifetime so as not for someone else’s life become less meaningful because theirs was cut short before its time had come.”
We hope you found these tips useful, and that they will help you find true happiness in your own life. If you’re looking for more information on how to be a happier person, we recommend checking out my book, You Are Worth More! You can get a free sample copy of it by going to
Thanks for this Terry! What a wonderful life philosophy to live by. John
Thank you John and congratulations all of your success in your business. I look forward to seeing all of the amazing levels you are taking your business to.