618 – After the hurricane

The terrywilson3.com Podcast
The terrywilson3.com Podcast
618 - After the hurricane

The upstate of SC and Western NC was devastated by hurricane Helene. Weeks later many are still with out power, cell signal, and basic necessities. I’m so grateful for all of those who’ve reached out, asked about us, and sent your prayers and thoughts. I told my church this past Sunday that I’ve never been more proud of being from the Tarheel state than I am right now that has as it’s state motto, “esse quam videri” which means to be rather than to seem. This state and it’s people demonstrate why we were ever referred to as Tarheels and the meaning of our motto.

Thank all of your for your kindness towards my family and the people of SC and NC.

Kyrie Eliason!

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