619 – Breaking through the resistance: How to overcome obstacles on the path to success

619 - Breaking through the resistance: How to overcome obstacles on the path to success

How to break through the resistance

If you’ve ever tried to make a big change—like launching a business, getting healthier, or improving a relationship—you probably know how challenging it can be. You set out with enthusiasm, feeling inspired to make progress, but almost immediately, the road gets rocky. Suddenly, the tasks needed to reach your goal seem enormous, and your initial motivation starts to fizzle.

In Episode 619 of the terrywilson3.com podcast, we’re tackling this all-too-common experience. We dive into why resistance appears just when we need motivation the most and share real, practical strategies for overcoming these obstacles. Whether your goals are personal or professional, this episode will help you understand why resistance happens and how to manage it so you can keep moving forward.

Understanding Resistance: Why the Obstacles Feel So Overwhelming

Let’s face it: when you’re inspired to make a change, it often comes at a time when your life is already full of demands. Maybe you’re juggling work, family, or other commitments—and even though you feel the pull to pursue something new, the pressures of life make it feel almost impossible. This resistance isn’t just in your head; it’s actually a natural response.

The Brain’s Built-In Comfort Zone

Our brains are wired to prioritize safety and comfort. When we set ambitious goals, our minds often treat this new territory as risky. The resistance you feel is your brain’s way of trying to keep you in your comfort zone, where things are predictable and safe. But remember, real growth happens outside of that comfort zone, and this episode will show you how to make that leap with confidence.

Strategies to Break Through Resistance and Keep Moving Forward

Feeling motivated to start isn’t usually enough to get you to the finish line—what really matters is finding ways to sustain your progress, even when the going gets tough. Here are some strategies from Episode 619 that can help you do just that.

1. Start Small and Build Momentum

The more ambitious your goal, the more overwhelming it can feel. Instead of tackling everything at once, start with small, manageable actions that you can do consistently. If you’re starting a business, spend 20 minutes a day researching or networking. If you’re aiming for better health, begin with a short daily walk. These small wins will build your confidence and create the momentum you need.

2. Set Clear Milestones You Can Celebrate

Rather than focusing on the distant finish line, create short-term milestones that are achievable and satisfying. Breaking your journey into smaller stages will make it easier to measure progress and give you a sense of accomplishment along the way. Every milestone reached is a reminder that you’re capable and moving closer to your goal.

3. Accountability and Environment Matter

Achieving a goal alone can be challenging. Enlist support from friends, family, or even a coach who can keep you accountable. Environment is also a big part of success—surround yourself with tools, reminders, and even inspirational notes to keep you on track. Your surroundings can either hold you back or lift you up, so make sure they’re working in your favor.

4. Celebrate Every Step Forward

Progress is progress, no matter how small. When you celebrate each win, you reinforce the behaviors and actions that are leading you closer to success. These small victories are fuel for your motivation and help you remember that you’re making real strides—even if the big goal feels far away.

Embrace Discomfort as a Sign of Growth

One of the biggest takeaways from Episode 619 is the importance of reframing how you view resistance. Instead of seeing it as a roadblock, think of it as proof that you’re growing and stretching beyond your comfort zone. The resistance you feel is actually an indicator that you’re on the path to something new and worthwhile.

As you continue to work toward your goals, be patient and kind to yourself. The road may be long, and setbacks are inevitable, but every step forward—no matter how small—is progress. Remember, achieving meaningful change is about progress, not perfection.

Listen to the Full Episode If you’re ready to dive deeper into these strategies and hear more about managing resistance, tune into Episode 619 of terrywilson3.com. You’ll learn how to harness your motivation, break through obstacles, and keep moving forward toward the goals that matter most to you.

Let’s break through that resistance and take steps toward the life you want.

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