Building the Career you Want – Episode 251

Building the Career you Want - Episode 251

I read a recent statistic that said 70% of todays work force is unhappy in their professional life. There are many reasons I suppose one could offer as speculation, but when asked most of those reporting dissatisfaction in their career stated it was loss of control. This to me makes a lot of sense. Think about it for a moment. What part of any of your life do you feel at peace in when you feel you have no control over the outcome or results.

I think what this survey reveals is the innate design and nature we were created with to long for freedom. I believe the desire for freedom never has to be taught but the reality of subserviency can be learned and conditioned for. You were designed to shine. You were not designed to physically clock in and mentally check out each day of your life. There is greatness on the inside each and every person if they will have the courage to embrace it.

In this episode I share the 3 things that are required to personally and professionally go to the next level. I then take questions from about 50 people who came to the live podcast to listen & ask questions.

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