Episode 352 – 6 Lies That Broke People Believe

Episode 352 - 6 Lies That Broke People Believe

If it’s truth that sets a person free then it must be a lie that incarcerates them. Tonight me and my panel will be talking about 6 lies that broke people believe that keeps them broke, busted, and disgusted!

In this Episode we cover the 6 lies that broke people believe and I share how an exchange with a person who was a bit skeptical about what entrepreneurialism could provide unfolded as well. I clearly do not mind nor do I expect people not to be skeptical. However I think you should test any and everything someone is claiming and judge it after knowing all of the facts. Some people I believe have been burnt so often that they are blind to the very opportunity that is being placed right in front of them.

The 6 Lies Are:

  1. Being Rich is About Having Stuff
  2. My Money Situation is out of My Control
  3. I Don’t Deserve / I’ll Never Be / I Don’t know How
  4. If I Try I’ll Fail and Embarrass Myself
  5. Wealthy People are Jerks
  6. Becoming Wealthy or Successful Takes too Much Time

4 thoughts on “Episode 352 – 6 Lies That Broke People Believe

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Gunilla – We are so glad to hear you are considering using our platform to rebuild your business. We know that starting and growing a business is hard. When you have the time and resources to dedicate to rebuilding we hope we are the vehicle that delivers you to your dream. Blessings! TW3

  1. Mary Goodner

    That was a great Podcast last night.

    I would like to be able to “answer the phone and read a script”

    I do not know who is handling that, but it would be a great opportunity
    if I could get set up..

    II feel like terrywilson3 is the best thing anywhere.

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Mary –

      Thank you for the feedback! You are right! Using our system the way we lay out in steps 1-6 allows you drive unlimited amounts of qualified leads directly to you in order to either speak with them on the phone or exchange communication via email. Everyone uses our system slightly different based on their best abilities.

      So glad you’re on the team!


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