Episode 360 – How to Earn Money Online without Selling

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Episode 360 - How to Earn Money Online without Selling

Last week in our live podcast in episode 358 Lindsey gave my RMP income of that past week. Well this automatically sparked questions from our audience. What is RMP? How does Terry earn that much? What companies does he use? And several other questions. So we are going to get into that tonight.

So how can a person create an online business and start creating an income stream without to sell anything? Well let’s get into it. But first let’s define some things.


  1. What is RMP?
    1. Affiliate
    2. CPA
    3. Traffic
    4. MI
  2. How I use it
    1. Drive Traffic
    2. Marketing Incentives
    3. Stack offers with a Sales Narrative
      1. Job Ops
        1. Job
        2. Background Check
        3. Credit Check
        4. Credentialing
        5. Educating
        6. Underwriting
    4. Monetize Content
      1. Podcast
      2. Blog
      3. Direct Response Ads
      4. Speaking Engagements
  3. Companies I use
    1. Lending Companies
    2. Hourly & Salary Job Companies
    3. Audio Book Companies
    4. Business Solutions
      1. Ring Central
      2. Aweber
      3. Video Creation
    5. Biz Ops
    6. Insurance
    1. People fail at online marketing because they start chasing paycheck rather than a passion. If you’ll start with your passion you can then find RMP’s to place within the content that is being produced by your passion.

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