Does everyone make money with


I had a great email that came in yesterday with a very pointed but polite question and I so appreciated it. The person simply asked, “does everyone who joins tw3 make money?” I like the honesty in this questions and also appreciate the desire for a straight answer. So my immediate answer was no.

Not everyone who starts a business or buys a tool to grow their business will make money. EVEN IF IT’S A GREAT BUSINESS like TW3. However the 2nd and 3rd follow up questions a person could ask should also be considered if you want to hear the WHOLE TRUTH.

Not everyone who starts a business with us or buys a tool from us will make money, BUT EVERYONE who does CAN MAKE MONEY. So if EVERYONE CAN MAKE MONEY but not everyone who does will make money, then why? You see asking whether someone can and whether someone will are two different questions. Which leads a 3rd question that should be considered. Why do some not find success?

There are 2 main reason.

  1. The business end of doing business is new to many people. Many people are just starting their own business for the first time. Up until the point they started with us they may have had some sales position or production based position but it was still a bit different than truly having their own business. Having your own business is truly the most rewarding career a person could ever have. However if you are coming from a 9-5 job working for someone else then the tempo and responsibly of having your baby can take minute to get used to. That being said it is nothing that ANYONE who doesn’t have a true disability in learning, understanding, and doing can not learn. HOWEVER it may take some time. You have to be patient with yourself IF THIS is the reason success is being delayed.
  2. The technical end of doing business online is challenging at times FOR EVERYONE. This doesn’t mean you have to be tech wizard to do business online. However it does mean that if this is the first time you’ve used a computer for more than logging onto facebook or checking email you have to pick up a few skills along the way. EVERYONE HAS TO LEARN a cursory understanding of computers in todays world or YOU WILL NOT BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. You will always and forever be relegated to working for someone else and at the mercy of what they will do for you.

Both of the above reasons are the major pain points for many starting an online business. HOWEVER if the passion to do more and earn more is greater than the frustration to overcome these two real obstacles then ANYONE CAN MAKE MONEY using our tools, business, and platform. Do I have examples? YES!!

One of our best reps who has been with us for years now didn’t make his first sell until a year after having our tools and training. Why? The tech end of this kicked his butt. However he came from the business world. He knew what it was like to run and own his own business. The tempo and responsibility for having your own business was not new to him. Having your business ran online was what he had to adjust to. Now he’s makes good money and reports it’s easier then any other business he was ever in now because everything is automated. However he had to pick up a new skill set to do it.

Another top earner at TW3 came with a high technical proficiency and knew how to create landing pages, funnels, blogs, and anything you could ask a person to do on a computer. However this person for years struggled to make any money with their skill set because they lacked any business acumen. How to put it all together and create value for others is what they struggled with. This person actually quit our business and went away for 2 years. After trying several programs they came back with a greater appreciation of what the TW3 platform offered and committed themselves to picking up some marketing and sales skills. They now make over $5k per week on a regular basis.

The question anyone has to asked themselves when they are wanting to pursue anything is how bad do you want it? How bad do you want to lose weight? How bad do you want to pick up a skill? How bad do you want to start or grow a business? Don’t fool yourself. There’s nothing in life worth having that will not cost you time, money, blood, sweat, and tears. Having more isn’t easy but it’s worth it, and YOU ARE WORTH MORE!

About Terry

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