Episode 378 – The Value Magnet

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Episode 378 - The Value Magnet

How knowing and leveraging your value can propel your business and income.

Tonight we are talking about your value and how it can create a life of purpose, passion, and yes a paycheck. When I ask people what their unique value proposition is I am amazed at the answers I get. For those who’ve already read my newly released book you might be able to answer this question, but for most people the answer is generally the same. Tonight we are going to get into because believe me. You do have a unique value that if developed and distributed properly, people will pay a premium for.

Get a copy of my book, You Are Worth More by going to youareworthmorebook.com

3 thoughts on “Episode 378 – The Value Magnet

  1. Linda Motzenbecker

    I just listened to the testimonials that Gary Greene sent me about your business. I must say I’m very impressed. I will certainly be in touch with Gary to discuss this opportunity further and hopefully enroll. Thank you again!

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