How to grow passive income with email marketing – Episode 274

How to grow passive income with email marketing - Episode 274

Email marketing is not dead. The way many people are doing it is. In this episode I show you how you can make tons of money passively through email marketing even if you don’t have a product or service to offer. I even show you how I give things away through email and make money.

Show Notes:

  1. List Building
    1. Purchasing targeted List
    2. Organic Creation
  2. Bulk Distribution
    1. Cold Email
    2. Warm Email
    3. Social Media
  3. Monetizing List
    1. Recruiting
    2. Giving Items Away
    3. Selling
    4. Tribe Management

Show Links: to follow me on facebook to subscribe to the podcast for up to $100 in FREE FOOD for affordable health insurance for hourly, salary, and entrepreneurial opportunities


7 thoughts on “How to grow passive income with email marketing – Episode 274

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hey Kenny!

      Yes I recorded it and posted it before I realized I had duplicated an episode number. So the opening of 274 will have me stating it’s 273. That’s what happens when I try to bulk record multiple episodes. Sorry…. :-/

    1. terrywilson3 Post author

      Hi Larry – No you don’t have to be a member to purchase the filtered, scrubbed email list. However to be shown access and training to the bulk emailer you do have to be a member.


  1. Mary

    Found a link on your site about 2 weeks ago
    Re email marketing and having people contact you
    Was $1 trial for 7 days and $54
    Can’t seem to find it now
    Please re share the link

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