In this episode you will hear from two callers. One remains broke, busted, and disgusted, while the other is making money while looking for dry ground. After years of being an entrepreneur and working with people in ministry I can tell you empirically that what a person thinks matters more than what a person can do. A skillset without a proper mindset will only bring a person to frustration, aggravation, and eventual bitterness. A good mindset means more than any given ability ever will.
In this show I play two calls from two different people exhibiting two different mindsets. One is currently unable to go home because of recent flooding brought on my hurricane Harvey, yet this is the person with the better attitude and mindset.
PLEASE EXCUSE SOME LANGUAGE. In my passion of the moment a certain “colorful” explicative slipped. I was tempted to go back and edit that out, but decided not to as it was and is truly how I feel, and offers the representation of my thoughts.
Love it! Thanks Terry. You are always spot on!
MD in GA
Hi Terry –
I just left a captured agency as their field recruiter. It’s been my experience you are dead right about what makes some successful and others not. We offered a guaranteed low weekly draw for our new recruits and typically only saw 2 out of 10 make it to their 3rd month in the Mortgage Protection business. The difference in almost all cases was mindset.
Great show and we’ll forgive the slip of the tongue this time. 😀 lol
Hey Terry –
I just wanted to tell you on-boarded with your system through Jeff Walls yesterday and can already tell I’m going to love this. I have steps 1-4 done and have started driving leads today. Already have 28 leads and I believe 2 will be buying from me in just a couple of days. You are a God send!! Thank you sir!
I’m ready to book a 1 on 1 with you Terry to start my 90 day money made guarantee. I’ve been with you now for a week and have really enjoyed all of the training. I’ve been a work from home mom for 3 years now, but really like the training you provide, and to have a guarantee really helps.
Terry –
The guy with the attitude that called in and left the vm is someone I spoke with 2 weeks ago. I was advertising on ziprecruiter for a sales rep to sale my training systems and software. He sent in a resume and I showed him a few training webinars of yours in demonstrating some of the lead gen software.
I could tell right away this guys was a real piece of work. Real argumentative and contentious for no reason. He kept accusing me of trying to recruit him into an MLM or network marketing scam to which I told him he did not have to join, or pay anything. When I refused to hire him I think he got miffed and must have called you.
Anyway you are right! Mindset is everything!
Keep up all the good info!
You’re so full of crap! I’m so tired of listening to people like you online acting like all you have to do is buy your outrageously priced program and I’ll be a millionaire. Why don’t you do everyone a favor and go away!
Hi Jack –
I’m sorry to hear I’m not your cup of tea. I know that there are a lot of charlatans on the internet preying on people’s desperation, but if you think that’s what I’m about you’ve misunderstood me. For that I’m sorry. Just a matter of facts you need to know.
1. You can start as a sale rep for us for free
2. You can start as a trainer with us with $0 down and $0 for 6mo (credit approval required)
3. We offer a 90 day guarantee (terms and conditions apply)
4. I never claim you will be a millionaire, nor present any of my material as some kind of get rich quick scheme, or genie in a bottle. The fact is after you enroll into one of my programs you have to work. That’s what I was stating (trying to communicate) in the above webinar. All I offer is a tool and training on how to use it. I’m confident it works or I wouldn’t offer a guarantee, but it has to be used in the manner and with the strategies I show.
Thank you for listening. I’m sorry if I lost you, but I understand being frustrated and being reminded of that frustration even from well intended people. I hope one day you will circle back around and give us another shot when things change for you. If you are unemployed right now looking for work we do offer hourly and salary jobs in your area. Just let me know.