More than likely you qualify for a tax credit for health insurance


The above chart shows the various levels of income to qualify for a tax credit toward the purchase of health insurance. Based on your age and level of coverage will dictate your cost. For EX:

52 YO male non-tobacco who makes $45k a year will pay:










So the questions you need to ask yourself in picking a plan is:

1. Which plan will give me the most coverage for the least amount of money spent? To answer that question you’ll need to know.

  • What level of tax credit am I eligible for
  • What plan coordinates with my doctors
  • What level of coverage do I need

2. Will I be better off buying an ACA or non-ACA plan? To answer this question you’ll need to  know.

  • What are the premium difference between ACA & non-ACA plans
  • What potential penalties will there be going into a non-ACA plan
  • What plans are available in my area to choose from

3. What out of pocket expense will I have outside of just paying the premium? To answer this questions you’ll need to know.

  • What deductibles and co-insurances are to plans you qualify for, or can afford
  • Does your plans offer any gap coverage
  • Will any tax credit, or subsidy offered help cover extra expenditures

The above are just some of the questions you need to answer in order to get the right plan in place for you and your family, or employees. Many of these questions can be answered in My Free Health Guide ® that you can download for FREE. You can also set up a time with one of our licensed agents who can answer many of these questions, and refer to the right carrier in your area. These services are also offered for free of charge. Simply set up a call back time that is convenient with you.

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click to book a call back time








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Give me the following and I’ll send you a quote immediately and be able calculate possible tax credits available.

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