10 Ways to stay Encouraged by staying In Courage – Episode 235

10 Ways to stay Encouraged by staying In Courage - Episode 235

You know Negative Nancy is on the march and she’s taking prisoners with her. It’s not enough for her to be miserable, but she wants you miserable as well. In this episode I share 10 practical ways you can stay encouraged even in the face of discouragement.

Links to services provided in show:

cashmutualstore.com – For even financing to make a purchase or investment

terrywilson3.com/creditrepair – For quick, easy, and affordable credit repair

leadsbyterry.com – To see how you can get unlimited leads for $1

10 Ways to Stay Encouraged

  1. Attitude of Expectancy
  2. Let go of what you can’t control
  3. Consume Positive Information – FREE BOOKS @ terrywilson3.com/freebook
  4. Hang with positive people
  5. Speak Positive
  6. Learn from Mistakes
  7. Make a Plan
  8. Celebrate your victories
  9. Build a support team
  10. Rehearse winning

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